Caitlin Briggs

Caitlin Briggs

Film StudentLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Seren Lakey
Pip Jamieson
Gerrome Miller
Caitlin Briggs

Caitlin Briggs

Film StudentLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi! I’m Caitlin, I am currently a Film Student at Kingston University’s School of Arts. I am specialising in Directing, Scriptwriting and Cinematography.
Projects credited in
  • Checkmate
    CheckmateCheckmate is a student film I worked on with two other people. It shows the internal struggle of a chess player who has had negative experiences in the past due to the prevalent issue of sexism within the chess community.
  • Blood Orange
    Blood OrangeBlood Orange is a student film I worked on with 5 others. The film follows Jen, a serial killer, and April, her next victim. It explores the dynamic, and the cycle of killing that Jen is trapped in. I was the Art Director for this project. I got to apply my skills in prop-making and SFX makeup in order to create a 'kill room' which included a severed hand, while also keeping to a limited budget.
Work history
    Merlin Entertainments logo
    Merlin Entertainments logo
    HostMerlin Entertainments
    London, United KingdomPart Time
    I work as a VIP Host and Bartender for the London Eye under Merlin Entertainments.
    Kingston School of Art logo
    Kingston School of Art logo
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) Kingston School of Art
    Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
    I am currently studying to achieve my BA in Filmmaking