Caterina Bergamaschi

Caterina Bergamaschi

PR InternLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Matt Willey
Micaela McLucas
Richard Keeling
Caterina Bergamaschi

Caterina Bergamaschi

PR InternLondon, United Kingdom
About me
"Work hard to achieve your dreams" are the words I have always lived by. I put passion in everything I do and I am highly perceptive and cooperative. Pushed by my long-standing fascination for foreign cultures and languages, I studied English, Spanish and Chinese in the past years. I firmly believe that understanding a person's language is just the first step in establishing long lasting bonds. I took another step by completing my Master’s degree, in which I learned how to understand the relationships between people from a marketing point of view. I have a vivid interest in traveling and tourism, as it allows me to have first-hand experiences with foreign populations and gain a deeper understanding of their culture.
Work history
    PR Intern
    At Ultra Vie I am covering the role of Account Executive for Food & Drink events, a position that requires me to deal with agencies and clients on a regular basis. This represents for me an extraordinary opportunity to gain first hand experience in approaching some of the major PR firms and expand my network. My main tasks include generating engaging content for the company’s blog, social network platforms and newsletter, which improved considerably my creative writing, editing and social media marketing skills. I am also supporting the team with the forward-planning and monitoring of the publishing pipeline. The fast-paced environment inside of the office stimulates me to test my limits, learn and improve every day. At the same time, I am encouraged to express my views and to find new opportunities of growth for the company, while supporting my grounds with resonate thoughts.
    During my one-month internship at THRE3D I could observe the dynamics that drive the growth of a start-up. I was in charge of researching materials to create articles for the company's blog that would appeal to the tech-savvy community. Additionally, I was also helping the team to create buzz around the launch of the company's blog through the social media platforms.
  • Advertising
  • Marketing PR
  • Market Research
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media
  • Creative Writing
  • Adaptability
  • Wordpress Basic
  • Forward Planning
  • Fast and Eager Learner
  • Marketing Advertising Campaigns
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Italian
  • Mandarin Chinese
    Marketing Communications and Advertising
    Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa Chinese