Cesar Lastra

Cesar Lastra

Founding DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Cesar Lastra

Cesar Lastra

Founding DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi! I'm Cesar and I'm the founder of bash+build. Prior to starting bash+build, I spent 20+ years working both agency and client side -- with Y&R, Colgate-Palmolive, The Coca-Cola Company, SABMiller plc and Drink Works. Since then, I have been privileged to lead workshops, training sessions and ideation sessions in 30+ countries for clients such as 3M, Allianz, Abbvie, Bentley, Societe Generale, Tesco, SABMiller, Carlsberg, EFES Rus, Gemalto, Novartis, Top Right Group, Sunbulah Group, NFU Mutual, HSBC and UBS. Along the way, I have seen beautiful examples of innovation come to life all around the world. Yet it seems so many more, potentially great ideas, have either been left on Post-Its and flipcharts following an ideation session, have died a slow, stage-gated death or have just been applied ineffectively as a one-off tactical idea. I've started bash+build because we need to raise the floor on innovation and discover the innovator in all of us. Believe. Bash. Build.is a simple, yet effective roadmap to define your challenge, collaboratively seek potential solutions and get a tangible output to your innovation challenge! When I'm not bashing and building, I'm also a course director at the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts (RSA). I also enjoy speaking about innovation at conferences around the world!
  • Bash+Build innovation in 90 seconds
    Bash+Build innovation in 90 seconds
Work history
    Bash and Build logo
    Bash and Build logo
    FounderBash and Build
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Bash and Build is a learn-by-doing innovation consultancy that helps individuals develop ideas in the context of disruption. Innovation need not be complicated. It's in our DNA. Ideas can come from anywhere, but if not developed properly, can result in tactical one-off activities that don't reach their full strategic potential. Using a design-thinking style process called “Believe-Bash-Build” based on best-practice, cross-industry analyses and testimonials from a wide range of innovation leaders, Bash and Build helps develop ideas into actionable, innovation platforms. By understanding what drives change and setting those ideas in the context of change we ensure they are fit to fight in tomorrow's reality. Bash and Build helps businesses create a culture of belief that innovation drives growth, that ideas need to be bashed collaboratively and that being quick to build those ideas into prototypes will help get that critical proof point needed to not just keep up but stay ahead. We do that through tailored interventions such as keynote speeches, conference workshops, "lunch and learn" sessions or full-day ideation and/or learning development sessions. Clients include 3M, AbbVie (pharma), Allianz (insurance), Bentley (automotive), Chartered Institute of Marketing, Societe Generale Equipment Finance (financial) and Tesco (food/retail).
    Bash and Build logo
    Bash and Build logo
    FounderBash and Build
    London, United KingdomFull Time
  • Innovation
  • Design Thinking
  • Insights
  • Strategy
  • Learning Development
  • FMCG
  • Global
  • Culture Change
    BSBA International Business and Marketing
     - Washington, United States