Charlie Hippisley

Charlie Hippisley

Production DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
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Olivia Thackray
Kashika Kabeya Harry
Diksha Jagtap
Charlie Hippisley

Charlie Hippisley

Production DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
  • Robbie Williams - Can't Stop Christmas
    Robbie Williams - Can't Stop ChristmasPD on this project. Divisive little take on our recent COVID Christmas. Got to build out a copy of the Downing St Briefing room. Seeing Robbie Jonson or Boris Williams in action was a real privilege! Big shout to the SFX MUA.
  • Sigala & James Arthur - Lasting Lover (Acoustic)
    Sigala & James Arthur - Lasting Lover (Acoustic)Production designed this for Electric Light Studios. Real pleasure to work with James and Sigala and all the talented folks involved.
  • John Lewis // Super Nature
    John Lewis // Super NatureTVC for John Lewis. Tasked with building and designing two living walls as well as a fairly large set build to surround them in.
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Work history
    Production DesignerHipCharlie
    London, United KingdomFreelance