Chris Rain

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson

Chris Rain

London, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • and jump investigates: preparedness
    and jump investigates: preparednessWhat does the pandemic teach us about how organisations plan and prepare for the future? From COVID-19 to Black Lives Matter, 2020 has shown our fragility. Yes, these events are unprecedented, but are they unexpected? Maybe not. To answer these questions, we took a collective intelligence approach to spot patterns and find a path forward. The report features a framework for preparedness and ten stories capturing the business experience. Packed with insights, backed up by data, each story is
  • Putting People Ahead
    Putting People AheadCurrency Solutions is an international payments company established in 2005. and jump was tasked with jumpstarting growth. We helped the business find a new direction, identified opportunities across the value chain, transformed the experience, embedded digital-first methods and a new technology approach. Find out more: