Christine Lodico

Christine Lodico

Interior ArchitectUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Christine Lodico

Christine Lodico

Interior ArchitectUnited Kingdom
  • Sound and Space Workshop
    Sound and Space WorkshopThe culmination of the IMIAD Program was a two week workshop for the students from all six countries. We were divided into groups of roughly ten, and given a space and a movie. As a group, we had to come up with a way to recreate the atmosphere of the movie into the given space. My group's movie was The Element of Crime, by Lars von Trier. A dystopian, dangerous film, The Element of Crime is filled with anxiety and suspense. Our space was an old macello, or slaughterhouse, and it retained the uncomfortable atmosphere of its former life. We recreated the atmosphere of the movie by thrusting the viewer into a towering black space from the bright Swiss sunlight outside, and making them immediately walk across a surprisingly bumpy terrain covered by a reflective tarp. The tarp emulated water and was accented by a dripping sound echoing around the room. Once the viewer arrived at the glowing structure, they moved around the back to see a green light reflected in a mirror. A green light was used in the movie as the only point of truth and we used it as the culmination of our experience.
  • Lighting Workshop
    Lighting WorkshopOne component of my semester in Stuttgart through the IMIAD Program was to participate in a two-week long lighting studio. As a group of eleven, we designed an ethereal cloud shape in front of the wall of windows, and a translucent forest behind. We used baking paper to create the thousands of components forming the cloud as well as birds flying through the forest. Sheer panels created the forest. Trembling mirrors threw light into the forest and coloured LEDs illuminated the whole store front.
  • Tree House
    Tree HouseThrough the IMIAD program I spent a semester in Stuttgart, Germany. In studio we focused on sound and space in design. My brief was to design a hospitality venue with three different sound spaces. I took inspiration from the tree house I had as a child, and divided a bar and restaurant establishment into three distinct atmospheres. The basement, or roots, housed the kitchens and toilets, the bar was on the ground floor amongst the trunk, and the restaurant was nestled up in the branches of the tree.
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Work history
    Interior Architect
    Outsourced by SA Investors to KKCJ Group as an Interior Architect and designer. Creates all branding for the firm and related companies. Part of a competition team, designs websites and presentations and creates construction documents and 3D models.
    Part of multiple Interior Design teams at WD and assisted in research and preliminary mood boards for Starbucks stores in the Eastern USA.
  • Interior Architecture
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Mixed Media
  • CAD
  • Design
  • Drafting
  • Event Design
  • Pen Ink
  • Sketching
  • Space Planning
  • Environment
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign
  • Photoshop
    Master of Interior Architectural Design
    Interior Architecture
    Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
    Bachelor of Arts in Architecture