Christopher Keech

Christopher Keech

Set DresserLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Sam Pyatt
Francis Lane
Christopher Keech

Christopher Keech

Set DresserLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am often asked what it is I actually do, and to be completly honest I never really know the best way of describing my work. Within my work I fuse together a wide range of techniques and past experiences to deliver the highest possible result.
  • QVC UK Promo's
    QVC UK Promo'sHere are some examples of Promos that I worked on as the Set Dresser/ Stylist for QVC UK.
  • QVC Bedding Shoots
    QVC Bedding ShootsExamples of bedding PAC shots styled and dressed by myself that were then later used across QVC’s multi-media platforms from the website to the live broadcast channel. A great deal of time and thought goes into creating every image; this requires myself to be extremely particular in how I style and dress the set, ensuring that the viewer is visually drawn to the product on the bed.
  • Light Drawing
    Light DrawingLight Drawing, also refered to as Light Graffiti, is a photographic technique that allows images to be created in a manner that leaves no impact on the environment in which the image is created. I continue to create these images with a variety of people, of varying ages and backgrounds, across the UK, within different environments.
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Work history
    QVC UK logo
    QVC UK logo
    Set DresserQVC UK
    As a QVC Set Dresser it is my responsibility to ensure that all shows during my eleven hour shift are set to the highest standard and in keeping with QVC’s style, prior to going to air. Setting a show requires me to liase with a range of people from the studio floor staff, to the guests going to air. The objective of which is to create an environment that is aesthetically correct and to compliment the product/brand due to be sold. Excellent time management and forward planning is crucial to this role, without which the installation of furnishings, dressing and product placement could not take place. As well as setting the live shows, occasionally I will be required to go out on location promotion shoots, both as a Set Dresser and Set Stylist.
    Artist, Designer and TechnicianFreelancer
    • Confessions - officially selected and shown at FESTIVAL DE CANNES 2014, Production Designer. • Small Fish Big Cheese - Unicorn Theatre London- Workshop Facilitator & Set Designer. • Hebden Shorts (Hebden Bridge Arts Festival) -Technical Manager & Designer • Blue Inc Fashion Shoot - Props Buyer & Stylist • Salisbury International Arts Festival -Technical Crew Member • Nor Any Drop - TIE Touring Performance(s) by Peshkar Production & Red Ladder Theatre Company - Set Designer • Treasure Island - Lancaster Duke Theatre - Assistant Scenic Artist • Women Scorned - Dirty Laundry Productions - Touring Performance - Scenographer, Workshop Facilitator & Set Designer/Builder.
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  • Events
  • Film
  • Theatre
  • TV
  • Visual Arts
  • Design
  • Photoshop
  • Powerpoint
  • Word
  • Time Management
  • Broadcasting
  • Set Dressing
  • Comunication
  • Set Styling
  • Visual Merchadnisig
    MA by Research, Kinetic Screens: Can the use of a Kinetic Screen be Utilised as a Medium That Enable
    Abstract This thesis explores the application of what is best described as a kinetic projection screen and its use within a performance environment. It examines the kinetic screen’s application within performances over centuries of development, from the use of the Watchman’s Lamp (Heard, 2006), a device used to create shadows, to the modern day. How can this form of projection viewing be created and delivered within a performance? Is there initial evidence to indicate an alteration to the way in which an audience views the content on a kinetic screen, such as physical engagement, opposed to a static screen? This thesis analyses theatrical theories and interviews with Arts practitioners and companies, who already have, or currently are applying kinetic projection viewing within their work. Research within this thesis has been collected through practical examination, illustrating the development, construction and demonstration of a number of kinetic projection screens.
    BA(Hons) Technical Theatre
    During my time undertaking the BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre, a wide spectrum of areas were covered, both practically and theoretically. This included Light Design & Operating, Sound Design & Operating, Set Design & Construction, and more.