Clarisse Talleux, 23, French (and for that matter, awesome cook).
Junior designer with a master’s degree in art direction, currently interning at Unreal Studio, in London.
After living in London, Singapore and Hong Kong for a total of 8 years, I returned to my native town of Paris... only to move once again! I am now London based.
I build brand identities, draw, take or conceive pictures and recently learned how to color between the lines.
Other hobbies include cooking overly spicy meals, traveling, and organizing my collection of comics and graphic novels (so far I've got 203!). Oh, and I wrote a sex-ed book.
2018 Root Studio (London) Art direction internship
2017 - 2019 École Estienne (Paris) Art direction master's degree
2015 Products&Brands (Paris) Graphic design internship
2015 - 2017 École Estienne (Paris) Graphic design bachelor
2014 - 2015 ENSAAMA (Paris) Applied Arts foundation year
Contact me at clarisse.talleux@gmail.com
- Graphic Design
- Art Direction
- Illustration
- Creative Strategy
MastersEcole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Industries Graphiques Estienne
- Paris, France
I spent most of my scholarship in the fantastic school that is Estienne, in Paris. During the two years of my Master's degree, I worked on 360° projects, in teams or alone.