Claudia Burbano de Lara

Claudia Burbano de Lara

Art Director & Brand DesignerBarcelona, Spain
+ Info


Emma Griffiths
Pip Jamieson
Brendan McKnight
Claudia Burbano de Lara

Claudia Burbano de Lara

Art Director & Brand DesignerBarcelona, Spain
About me
My passion is to create brand experiences and make them attractive, memorable and effective, through Strategy, Conceptualization, Design, Innovation and Communication in different media, being Digital one of the most important. From Mathereal® | Transforming Design Studio, I work purposefully focused on designing and materialising in both digital and physical media, those projects and brands with soul that believe in the power of ideas, wishing to connect all their dimensions to reach people, from a deep ethical, sustainable and impactful sense. In more than 15 years of work, I have worked with Ferran Adria at elBullifoundation, as Senior Art Director. And before that, I have worked as Creative Director and Head of Design at several companies related to the Barcelona Tech City cluster and LivingSocial Company (Amazon). In Ogilvy Barcelona I was Art Director, in Brand Activation, Digital Design, Strategic Behaviour Transformation, Corporate Identity, Experiential and Retail Design. elBullifoundation, Thinknovate, Terrasolari, Dufry, Telefónica, Bacardi, Coca Cola, Ritz-Carlton Luxury Hotels, Apple, Cal Tomàs, MANGO, Liceu Opera Barcelona and Cocoon Prague have been amongst my main clients and/or brands for whom I have worked. In addition, my work and the projects I have been actively involved in, have won a World Silver Award in the New York Festival, a FIAP Gold Award, and Best Online Store & Webshop in the Spain ecommerce Awards. One of my biggest passions is color and matter research. In the last 6 years I have also been dedicated to colour and innovation consulting, for Design, Fashion and Architecture trends’ forecasting with “Mathereal® Colour”. I collaborate with Color Community, colour and materials trend platform. Creating with sensitivity and intuition combined with solid data, and sharing it, gives me the opportunity to see things from a wider perspective. It allows me to be better.
Work history
    Creative & Design DirectorMathereal® | Transforming Design
    Barcelona, Spain