ConnecMe2 Jobs

ConnecMe2 Jobs

MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


ConnecMe2 Jobs

ConnecMe2 Jobs

MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
ConnecMe2 - Profiling Human Talent Our vision is to see the right people in the right seats. We have been providing CSR initiatives to the great and the good for the last 7 years, with a particular focus around helping people map their pathways and profile their talents. We do this through collaborative learning initiatives - purposeful and tailored programs which enable users to showcase their learned experiences and skill sets, using a mix of live work place experiences and guided learning. As advocates of social media we encourage our beneficiaries to build positive online records of achievements, that we call route-maps. ConnecMe2 is part of a tech accelerator that is building a platform where the route-map will be housed. This will enable beneficiaries to share their newly gained experiences with their peers and benefactors online. The vision for the app is to build a mobile community that will allow engagement which is fair and accessible for everyone, connecting people to opportunities that would otherwise be lost or wasted. Contact Us:

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