Courtney Birss

Courtney Birss

Student Manchester, United Kingdom
+ Info


Courtney Birss

Courtney Birss

Student Manchester, United Kingdom
About me
I am currently in my third year studying for my BA Hons in photography at Manchester Metropolitan University. I am interested in different types of photography e.g landscape, social documentary, portraiture.
  • Magazine Project
    Magazine ProjectIn this proect i was following my previous ideas of looking at the body in the media, however rather than taking my own images like i have done previously i decided to use found imagery as i was looking into magazines. after choosing the imagery i wanted i then scanned and edited them and transformed the figures. By transforming the figures i wanted to subtley represent how the media and magazines produce unrealistic, unachivable body ideals so to tackle it i hvae made the bodys in these images more unachivable and more artistic.
  • The Road to Nowhere
    The Road to NowhereIn this project which was intended to be a photobook project, i have captured my journey along quiet country roads without particulary knowing the destination. The topic behind this project isnt my most well thought out ones but i feel like the images speak for themselves with there gloomy/misty atmosphere.
  • Natural and Man-made Borders
    Natural and Man-made BordersIn this project i am carrying on looking at the idea of natural and man-made borders and how they react with eachother. In these images i have gone to a shutdown abandoned pub were plants have started to take over the structure and take over the space. Since i am looking at this idea of there being a border between the two its interesting to see how when left for long enough the plants will revert back and become more dominent.
  • Natural and Man-made
    Natural and Man-madeFor this project i was looking at the ways in which plant life and manmade borders interact. In these images i am studying the two elements indepth.
  • The Body in the Media
    The Body in the MediaAs part of my final major project i am carrying on with my theme of the body and the media. Unlike my previous work with the body for this project i have chosen to focus on magazines in particular and the ways in which celebrites both male and female are pressented in them. I have done this because magazines are one of the leading factors for body dysmorphia, by taking these highly edited unrealistic covers and changing them i want to show how they distort our veiws on the body and what it should and shouldnt look like.
  • The Body
    The BodyAs one of my most recent projects that i have explored in my final year, this project explores the topic of body ideals within the media and acts as a platform to show natural and diverse body types to break down this idea of the 'ideal body'. By photographing both male and female bodies that are diverse and unedited i want to show and celebrate the natural form.
  • 11. Photoshop
  • Digital Photograhy
  • Editing
  • Studio
    (hons) Photography
    Manchester, United Kingdom
    Art Design BTEC Level 3
     - Liverpool, United Kingdom