Cristina Guidone

Cristina Guidone

visual artistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Giles Angel
Lauren Coutts
Cristina Guidone

Cristina Guidone

visual artistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Creativity has been the starting point of my professional growth. In my schooldays it was already clear that this would have been the right path for me, and over the years I felt more and more that creativity was matching my natural inclination for drawing and for any forms of artistic design. I was very young when I’ve first begun to start working for a graphic studio, where I was able to learn the Photoshop bases and to realize as well my first storyboards for the Ferrero company. Then I was lucky enough to get the chance to take an internship in Armando Testa, the major advertising company in Italy. I’ve spent there 3 months supporting a very experienced agency Visualizer, who helped me a lot sharpening my photography post production skills until I became a Visualizer myself. At the end of this stage a small agency with a large account, “The Independent Ideas” offered me to work as Visualizer. I stayed there one year and a half, I got the importance of team working and learned to handle multiple requests by dealing with the challenging agencies timeframes. In the meantime I attended the Editorial and Graphic Design one year Classes at IED, where I have sharpened my illustration and post production abilities, getting closer and closer to the graphic artworks. For a certain period I’ve worked as a free lancer as well, during that I have conceived and realized the Turin Fringe Festival Campaign Key Visual, one of the festivals that better represents my city. I have found myself again working for a 4 months period in a tiny agency, exclusively as part of the graphic team. There I have mainly realized materials for presentations and catalogues. While I was taking the decision to move to Australia to start a new professional career, Armando Testa has got back to me with a job proposal as visualizer. Since there 3 years have passed. I adore my job. My greatest fear, however, is to get old without growing up. I am ambitious and I am good at my job. Therefore the idea to stop frightens me a lot, I know that there is a lot I still have to learn in my profession, but I wouldn’t desire anything else then having always the chance to learn and improve myself. I'm arrived in London in February, and for now I've been a barista for 6 months and now I'm a sales assistant and painter at Superga shoes, to be honest, this is not enough for me, I miss my job and I would like carry on my way in my field.
  • Pirates are good people
    Pirates are good people
  • The red side
    The red sideGiulietta with its mechanics, but also its grit, is the car that brings out the red soul inside of you and the city is painted with a red trail of emotion. What are you waiting for? Hop in and paint the town red.
Projects credited in
  • 500 by Gucci - Short Film Project
    500 by Gucci - Short Film ProjectIn occasione del Fuorisalone 2012 è stato creato ad hoc uno speciale drive-in 500 by Gucci. In un hangar nel cuore di Milano sono stati proiettati cinque cortometraggi dedicati alla piccola 500. Le auto sono state parcheggiate proprio davanti ad un megaschermo e gli spettatori si sono goduti la proiezione stando comodamente seduti sulle Fiat 500C by Gucci.
Work history
    art directorArmando Testa
     - ItalyFull Time
    visual artistIndependent Ideas
     - ItalyFull Time
  • Photoshop
  • Illustration
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Retouching
  • Graphic Art
  • Art Directon
  • Advertising
  • Graphic Design
  • Print Advertising