Crystal Roberts

Crystal Roberts

CoordinatorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Crystal Roberts

Crystal Roberts

CoordinatorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am proficient in client services, content management, project planning, and work flow management. I have worked for both UK and International organisations and vendors.
  • New Look
    New LookEcom imags taken at iHeart Studios for New Look
Work history
    Senior Operations OfficereScribers
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    • Oversees team of Operation Officers • Manage +100 freelance transcribers and stenographers • UK Courts and Tribunals accounts include: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence, Court of Appeal, and Crown & Civil courts in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland • Manages any escalating client or freelance issues • Works alongside Client Services and Deliveries departments to achieve KPI’s • Upholds UK and EU GDPR rules by creating & editing procedural documents • Schedules in-person transcription work around the UK • Complete ownership of the Operations side of the business
    Operations OfficerAuscript
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Auscript is one of the world’s leading transcription and court recording organisations. Auscript helps produce transcripts for cases heard in court. I aided in scheduling transcript requests for the UK Ministry of Justice, as well as leading the accounts for Northern Ireland, House of Lords, and the Nursing and Midwifery Council hearings. I helped to manage over 80 transcribers and stenographers making sure that transcripts were delivered accurately and on time following GDPR rules. Scheduling and Managing Accounts: Daily maintenance of audio allocation to transcribers and transcript delivery. Working directly with Northern Ireland, House of Lords, and Nursing and Midwifery Council to schedule hearings. And trouble-shooting any transcript or audio requests including amending transcripts.
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  • Advanced Excel
  • CRM
  • Studio Administration
  • Production/project Management
  • Production Scheduling
    MAGoldsmiths University of London
     - London, United Kingdom
    Transnational Communications & Global Media (Masters)