David Akinyose

David Akinyose

There's enough destruction in the world as it is. So why not Create?United Kingdom
+ Info


David Akinyose

David Akinyose

There's enough destruction in the world as it is. So why not Create?United Kingdom
About me
Hi! I’m a 3D animation graduate. And an aspiring to make films and TV shows with a meaning that are tailored to the next upcoming generation of youths. I’m also a lover of stories, so I write screenplays for both series and film. I’ve been creating stories for as long as I can remember since childhood, and feel no greater fulfilment than when I create stories that help kids navigate the world. Not just cute easy tales but raw stories that meet youths where they are in their environment without shying away from its realities.
  • Tech Troubles
    Tech Troubles
Projects credited in
  • Tech Troubles
    Tech Troubles
  • 3D Animation
  • Writing
  • Illustration
  • Digital art
  • Screenplay
  • Screenwriting
  • Directing Animation
  • Art Directon
  • Direction
  • Leadership
    Escape Studios logo
    Escape Studios logo
    3D Computer AnimationEscape Studios
     - London, United Kingdom