David Scicluna

David Scicluna

Experience & Design Lead at the Innovation FoundationBerlin, Germany
+ Info


Noelle Guirola Paganini
Sasha Kluvitse
Leonia Goromba
David Scicluna

David Scicluna

Experience & Design Lead at the Innovation FoundationBerlin, Germany
Projects credited in
  • Youth at Risk
    Youth at RiskPre-pandemic, youth in OECD countries were already three times more likely than adults to be unemployed. Covid-19 hit youth disproportionately hard, and some studies show that 1 in 6 young people stopped working altogether. This has severe impact on their long-term prospects. Of these youth, the most vulnerable are those between the ages of 15-19, NEET (not in education, employment, or training) and from low-income families. It’s a demographic that is just past the point of compulsory educati
Work history
    Innovation Foundation logo
    Innovation Foundation logo
    Stakeholder and Design LeadInnovation Foundation
    Berlin, GermanyFull Time