Dennecia Gordon

Nottingham, United Kingdom
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Dennecia Gordon

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • The NYC Melting Pot
    The NYC Melting PotI love New York. It may seem stereotypical to say, but I do. I’ve been a tourist there for a couple of summers and felt completely transported by it. Whether or not you were born in New York, the city is as much an “Empire State of Mind” (Jay-Z 2009) as it is a geographical place. In 1986, Jean Baudrillard said in his travel diary that “As soon as you set foot in America, you feel the presence of an entire continent”. This statement embodies the way I feel about New York City. So many different communities have travelled there to make a new home therefore creating a beautiful patchwork of people. Although native New Yorkers may not always perceive it as such. To them it’s natural; it is how things have always been.