Deryll Reminton

Deryll Reminton

Graphic Design GraduateGlasgow, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Deryll Reminton

Deryll Reminton

Graphic Design GraduateGlasgow, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • United We Stand
    United We StandUnited We Stand is a glimpse into the story and values of Glasgow United Football Club, a club who campaign for the rights of refugees and are, at their core, a family. Their key tenets include inclusivity, representation, diversity and accessibility. Made in collaboration with Glasgow United FC, Joe Habben, Dominic Manderson, M Deryll Reminton, The Scottish Football Association, The Glasgow School of Art and The Scottish National Team.
    DOT CARDSDOT 2019 Modual;Kickstarter Workshop DOT is a game for creativity, communication and touch. CARDS Cards will prompt and influence you to cover the other player in your expressive designs, head-to-toe, (and vice versa). All the while, improving your communication with the other player and having an enjoyable time! + DOT has been brought to life by a group of young creatives between London and Glasgow. Our team's disciplines span across photography, graphic design, makeup artistry, illustrat