Dionne Markland

Dionne Markland

Freelance Fine ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Karlo Steel
Russ O'Connell
Dionne Markland

Dionne Markland

Freelance Fine ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
  • Happiness Level 7
    Happiness Level 7"Happiness Level 7" was a short project based on statistics around happiness, whilst exploring it's fleeting nature in our day-to-day lives. When asking a random group of people how happy they are on a scale of 1-10, 7 is the average number chosen. This project highlighted that being consistently happy is an unattainable goal that we aim for without knowing happiness is fulfilling because it comes in fleeting moments. Knowing this we should not be caught-up with it's absence (especially during
    THE STATE of THINGSThe State of Things is a collaborative exhibition by a group of artists who explore the progression of a collective reality and its imapct on the public at large. What is this collective reality that we are all meant to engage with when the world is constantly changing? Using a wide range of materials and techniques this exhibition allows you to find your own answers while reality engulfs you.
Work history
    Other Profession
     - Full Time
    preparing and cooking food on the salad and grill section
  • Have Great Communication Skills and Customer Service From
  • Management Training
  • Project Management
  • Curatorial
  • Event Organisation
  • Art Teaching