Hello! I am Edoardo Matteoni, a graphic designer
and photographer. Actually, I consider myself a visual
designer. My passion for the arts and creativity began
during my High School period, when I was drawing
utopian architectures on my class notebooks thinking
on parallel architectural universes. Travelling in Europe
I observed and photographed facades, windows and
surfaces of any type of building, winding up similiar
shapes to the ones on my notebooks. By this, I realised
that my creative ideas could be transfered into reality.
Architecture and Photography have in some way
stamped my will to do in this limitless creative field.
My working essence is nestled in the ability of
Observing a product, a movement or a person is
different from just seeing it/her/him. The way of
observing something includes a deep analysis of its
shapes, colours and interactions.
Personally, the observation is one of the best qualities
to learn, to evaluate and to express yourself.
It is the foundamental art to develop thoughts in a
multiplicity of situations. Observation is a memory, a
conversation, a landscape, a colour, a fragrance.
As a careful observator, I believe in the power of visual
arts and graphic communication to affect and attend
social and cultural backgrounds