Elizabeth Cowling

Elizabeth Cowling

IllustratorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Maria Sagun
Sophie Bansal
Elizabeth Cowling

Elizabeth Cowling

IllustratorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Heya there, I'm Liz, I'm an illustrator with a fun and cartoonish style influenced by all the cartoons, shows and movies I grew up watching ( I'm a 90's lady). Of course drawing and illustrating is my number one most favoruite thing to do but I also love to embroid, sew, play video games and watch movies. I also love a good deep chat about all sorts of things!
  • Summer Nostalgia
    Summer NostalgiaI submitted my summer nostalgic illustration to the free, online zine, PaperBound magazine and was so happy that they not only accepted my illustration but that they wanted to use one of the ice creams from the illustration for the magazine cover. As a child from the 90s, hearing the jingle from an ice cream van, you finally knew that summer had arrived. https://paperboundmag.com/issues/
  • Oneness
    OnenessI illustrated these 3 images for the online zine Horse egg literary, for their 3rd issue with the theme of 'Egg'. My interpretation of eggs is about the potential in ourselves, how we can break, be reborn and become whole again, our endless chance for change. https://www.horseeggliterary.com/post/illustrations-by-elizabeth-cowling