Elley Witt

Elley Witt

JewellerMarket Rasen LN8, UK
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Pip Jamieson
Brendan McKnight
Shivanee Tailor
Elley Witt

Elley Witt

JewellerMarket Rasen LN8, UK
  • Kaleidoscopes - in context
    Kaleidoscopes - in contextThe importance of memory in context with the body and how social media can alter its sentimental value. These images show the use of the kaleidoscopes, from the collection, in everyday life. Taking a moment to appreciate your surroundings or to ground yourself in times of stress or confusion.
  • Wave Pendant's
    Wave Pendant'sInspired by a university brief at the time, I created these Wave Pendants which I sold on my Etsy shop.
  • The importance of memory in context with the body and how social media can alter its sentimental value.
    The importance of memory in context with the body and how social media can alter its sentimental value.Everyone at some point in their lives will cherish at least one memory. The common concept within my collection is the importance of that. How such memories can evoke different emotions or imagery to the individual. Within today's society it is normal for memories to be shared on social media platforms or created solely for that purpose. Are we losing the sentimental value of memories by broadcasting them for everyone to see? Would they mean more if we held them close and kept them private? With