Elmarie Messina

Elmarie Messina

Writer, Teaching Assistant, Copy Editor, Proof-reader.Hindhead, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Nadine Grant
Elle Sorridente
Elmarie Messina

Elmarie Messina

Writer, Teaching Assistant, Copy Editor, Proof-reader.Hindhead, United Kingdom
About me
My current occupation as teaching assistant at a Secondary School is providing with valuable experience in the educational sector. In time I aspire to complete a PGCE in Secondary English. In my spare time, I am writing 'Crookham' my debut audio drama script, am seeking freelance work as a proof-reader or an editor and taking far too many pictures of my dog.
  • Stop Online Bullying - Winchester University 2018
    Stop Online Bullying - Winchester University 2018For this project, I worked in a team commissioned by Student Services to create content for a website focusing on tackling cyberbullying and online harassment at university. In particular, I wrote an article based on my own experiences to increase the level of personal engagement.
  • Vortex - Literary Magazine (2020 Edition)
    Vortex - Literary Magazine (2020 Edition)'Vortex' is a literary magazine which is published annually by the University of Winchester to showcase vivid and diverse writing for anyone with an interest in the written word. As part of my 3rd Year Publishing module in my Creative Writing degree, I joined the editing team as a prose-editor and a minutes-taker for our meetings.
Work history
    Website Content CreatorThe University of Winchester
     - Hindhead, United KingdomPart Time
    Creative Writing BA (Hons) 2:1The University of Winchester
     - Winchester, United Kingdom
    During my degree, I studied a range of modules such as 'Creativity: Writing and Teaching', 'Advanced Fictional Writing', 'Creative Non-fiction', 'Language, Writing & Reading' and 'Writing for Radio'. For my ECP/dissertation I wrote an audio drama script which I am currently in the process of redrafting and continuing.
    A Level English Language and LiteratureGodalming College
     - Godalming, United Kingdom
    Grade B
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