Emanuele Gorga

Emanuele Gorga

Junior Software DeveloperLondon, United Kingdom
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Emanuele Gorga

Emanuele Gorga

Junior Software DeveloperLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am hereby applying for the position of Junior Developer. As a recent graduate of Makers Academy coding bootcamp in London, this will be my first step towards a professional career as a software engineer. Although my final project was built in Python, the main technologies I have been using throughout the 16 weeks at the bootcamp are Ruby, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript using a Test Driven Development process, however, I consider myself a programmer/developer first and the languages I use merely as tools of the trade. With that being said I really like the beauty of simplicity. Simplicity is what I strive for in all aspects of my life, both professionally as well as personally. I am a problem solver at heart, which probably is the reason why I love software development. I also love challenges, which is why I felt right at home in the bootcamp, 16 weeks of nonstop challenges. So what did I learn in the bootcamp, apart from the obvious coding skills? I learned a process, how to acquire knowledge and skills fast. I discovered that I am passionate about coding, passionate about learning more and getting better. My goal for the bootcamp was to be the best developer I can be, simply to be better today then I was yesterday and better tomorrow than I am today. Why hire me, 25 years old and just starting out in software development? Well, my backgrounds are who I am today. I learned something from each of the experiences I had and today thank them I am a mix of relevant skills. I am very keen to work hard and learning new technologies that can help to make me a great team member. I started using Node.js and React since I finished the bootcamp and I am levelling up my skills with them. If my way into the industry was indicative in any way, then it would mean that I can handle challenges, that I am passionate about coding, that I am a fast learner, that I can acquire knowledge needed to get the job done. I strive to get the job done: "I strive to write well-crafted code, but most important is working maintainable software that meets the clients need". Sincerely, Emanuele Gorga
Work history
    Casino DealerEmpire Casino
     - London, United KingdomFull Time
    I was responsible for operating table games. My responsibilities were dealing different games most of the times in a fast pace environment and interacting with customers. I had to be good at customer service, communication and interpersonal abilities, good math skills, patience, dexterity and fast thinking. In just 4 months in the Company the management decided to award me for my good job, so I was taught a new game, difficult to deal which usually the Company requires at least one year working with them before to teach it.
    Casino DealerGenting Casinos
     - Manchester, United KingdomFull Time
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  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Ruby
  • Jquery
  • Nodejs
  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development