Emmanuel Okuchukwu

Emmanuel Okuchukwu

Web developerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Junhua Lin
Engineer abulkalam
Emmanuel Okuchukwu

Emmanuel Okuchukwu

Web developerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I'm an IT Professional with a keen interest in Computer Programming and Web Development. I have experience with JavaScript (although I am still learning more about JavaScript), I use react.js for client-side and I am currently learning node.js for server side. I have some knowledge on PHP and java. My interests however lie on frontend development using react.js, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS and styled-components. I also have some experience using wireframe design tools like Lucid Chart, draw.io and Axure.
  • Rockstar Social Club Clone
    Rockstar Social Club CloneI built Rockstar Social Club Clone with reactJs, styled-components, bootstrap grid and axios. I wanted to build something very fun, complex, impressive and interesting. I have been a huge rockstar games fan for as long as I can remember, I have played a lot of their games in the past and I stumbled upon the web app one day I decided that I wanted to build a clone of the website.