Enid Brun

Enid Brun

Creative Egologist | Brand Creative Producer | Marketing Director | ex AdidasBern, Switzerland
+ Info


Karo Gomez
Ian Wrigglesworth
Enid Brun

Enid Brun

Creative Egologist | Brand Creative Producer | Marketing Director | ex AdidasBern, Switzerland
About me
Leading Communities, Global Brands Projects & Teams Fusing Ecology with Creative Innovation. I blend the principles of ecology with global brand marketing acumen. Central to my approach is the concept of interconnectedness, which I apply to create a symbiotic ecosystem comprising diverse talent, innovative ideas, impactful projects, effective strategies, and perfect execution. I excel in curating and nurturing this creative biosphere, ensuring all elements thrive in unison. My focus on diversity, sustainability, organic growth, and innovation, coupled with a commitment to overall well-being, is integral to my proposition. This enables me to guide brands through adaptive and evolutionary processes, ensuring their relevance and resilience in a constantly evolving market Worked in-house and independently as a consultant for global brands in Mexico, The Netherlands, USA, and Switzerland, overseeing +50 countries in Europe, Asia and America. She also designed D&I -led initiatives for Adidas, UN, P&G, Facebook, Ahol Group, Philips, among others. #integratedmarketing #globalbrands #retail #creative #strategicplanning #purpose #brandmastery #creativeleadership #naturalbornnomad
  • Reebok
    ReebokDigital Content Production, Global Content, Women's Sportswear
  • World Oceans Day, Tulum Mexico
    World Oceans Day, Tulum MexicoProduction: Talent, Finder & Fixer, Local Partnerships
Work history
    Nativas logo
    Nativas logo
    EuropePart Time
    Through Nativa-s.com we are uniting the diaspora of the greatest Latin and Native American women, through a community and online editorial platform, intrinsically woven to the top global creative community.
    Enid Brun logo
    Enid Brun logo
    Global Brand Marcoms, Producer & Creative ServicesEnid Brun
    I specialize in brand management and orchestrating creative teams across the globe, ensuring synergy in brand communications, global content creation, and innovative partnerships. Acting as executive producer, finder and fixer, I guarantee seamless project execution and process management for conscious, brand-driven narratives.
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  • Creativie Thinking
  • Cross-border and Cross-functional Collaboration
  • International Consumer Markets
  • Brand Activation
  • Content Creatiion
  • Marketing Communications
  • Womenswear
  • Fashion Design
  • International Relations
  • Creative Leadership
    Executive Leadership ProgrammeTHNK: School Of Creative Leadership
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Postgraduate Diploma in Digital MarketingDigital Marketing Institute
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
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