About me
Helloo I’m based in London//I’m up for traveling anywhere in England to collaborate.
I’m a junior photographer most passionate about capturing creative ideas, day to day moments and places using both film and digital cameras.
Currently in 2nd Year editing and postproduction at Ravensbourne.
I’d love the opportunity to photograph and digitally bring your ideas to life!!
- Frxsty B - Fasion Kitty Tiitle SequenceThis is a snippet of Frxsty B's song Fashion Kitty. Frxsty B had edited the cut and I collaborated to create the title sequence. Hit me up if you'd like to collaborate on projects. Artist Profile Instagram: LadyVindicta Tiktok: LadyVindicta Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/frxstyb
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Work history
London, United KingdomFreelance
- Fashion Design
- Photoshoot Assisting
- Photoshoot Styling
- Basic Photoshop
- Adobe Photoshop
- Photography
- Art
- Editing Film
- Sound Recording