Work history
Customer Sales and Services advisorPeruvian Connection
Goring, Reading RG8, UKFull Time
(Part-time job). Originally a weekend job, I now work whenever I am back from University. I am fully engaged with telephone and Internet orders and queries, as well as sorting out catalogue distribution. I have also spent some time in the packing department, and seen how items are sorted and sent off.
Work ExperienceSiren Design
- London, United KingdomFreelance
A few days work experience in 2016, returned for a further week the following year. In 2016: Helped design ideas for a new brief, worked on social media, introduced to different segments of the company, sat in on meetings. In 2017: Worked on a creative map design for a brochure and created iconography to supplement it. Helped with proofreading
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- Conceptual Thinking
- Creative Thinking
- Embossing
- Letterpress
- Drawing
- Communication Skills
- Image Making
- Printmaking
BAUWE Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom
3 year, full-time Diploma.
Notable projects:
Year 3- Recent Project on the sex scandals in the media following Harvey Weinstein- focused on the issue being with the culture rather than the individuals, using animals as metaphors to reinstate the idea of it being an evolutionary issue
Year 2- Abstract Project, developed a poem on the refugee crisis into a physical garment that people could try on and see what it felt like to be a refugee.
Developed skills in print, illustration software and the Fabrication facilities. The structure of these past three years has helped enhance my personal skills through regular ‘pecha kucha’ presentations and group projects.