Futures: Generation

Futures: Generation

Mentoring NetworkLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Mollie Rose
Alice Skinner
Futures: Generation

Futures: Generation

Mentoring NetworkLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Approaching it's 7th Cohort, Futures: Generation is a global mentorship program for talent anyone facing barriers entering or progressing in the Advertising Industry. Founded and run by Cult since July 2020, our aim is to help level the playing field and provide a foot in the door regardless of your background. We've matched almost 500 people with an industry mentor and cannot wait to see what comes of it. This is 'casual mentoring' not an internship or a job but an opportunity to learn. It's up to yourself and your mentor when you meet and if that's virtually or physically. Your pairing last's 6 months so we recommend giving around 6 hours minimum to the relationship. To apply to be a mentor or mentee please go to our website.
  • Launching Futures:Generation
    Launching Futures:GenerationFutures:Generation was launched in response to the pandemic. Not only to keep fresh talent excited about the creative industries in a time where it was forgotten, but to help those in the industry that had been furloughed or were struggling at home to find purpose. FGEN launches their 7th Cohort in 2023.
  • Mentoring