Gabriel Varaljay

Gabriel Varaljay

Marketing ConsultantLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Gemma Redgrave
Gabriel Varaljay

Gabriel Varaljay

Marketing ConsultantLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Parallel entrepreneur, digital marketing and social media punk and growth hacker. Startupper, who believes in the maker movement, open-source hardware solutions and cosmo-localization (designing global and manufacturing local).
  • Product catalogue for St. Mickalos Co. LTD
    Product catalogue for St. Mickalos Co. LTDSt. Mickalos offers quality to its customers through its regular and timely deliveries around South East using a professional fleet of vehicles and a team of drivers trained to the transport industry's national standard.
  • VixT - Video mashup from texT
    VixT - Video mashup from texTCreate, edit and share video mashups with your friends or use a growing collection of video-stickers. VixT automatically converts your text into epic video montages (mashups) in seconds. VixT allows you to record and edit videos on your mobile with ease. Videos can be easily shared across all popular social media and instant messaging services. You can build your own personal video library or use videos from VixT users around the world.
Work history
    co-founderDEDICATED PROFIT
    Winchester, United KingdomFull Time
    We know where to look for accounting errors and where there are hidden financial gaps. We are specialists in IT infrastructure, automated processes, and optimization. We know how to generate more attention so that your product or service reaches more people.
    ENVIENTA logo
    ENVIENTA logo
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    ENVIENTA is an open-source hardware-developing platform helping innovators, creators and makerspaces to connect with supporters and consumers in a decentralized cloud-manufacturing framework. At the early stage, the project mainly focuses on solutions for sustainable living, home automation, green energy, and food production.
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  • Digital Media
  • Growth Hacking
  • Social Media
  • Video Editing
  • Copywriting