Gea Caravaggi

Gea Caravaggi

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Alex Singhal
Gea Caravaggi

Gea Caravaggi

London, United Kingdom
About me
Hello, I'm Gea Caravaggi Mazzonna, a versatile freelance model and makeup artist. My passion lies in the art of transformation, where I bring characters and stories to life through makeup. While modeling allows me to embody and bring to life the characters and visions that I'm so passionate about. It's a remarkable outlet for artistic expression, enabling me to immerse myself in various roles and tell captivating stories through visual artistry. This deep connection to modeling fuels my creativity and dedication to delivering unique and compelling results. With a background in international development and a deep commitment to social change and justice, my experiences living across diverse countries like Italy, Mozambique, Angola, Kenya, Indonesia and the UK have enriched my perspective. Fluent in Portuguese, English, Italian, and Spanish, I bring a global outlook to my work. I'm excited to connect and contribute to meaningful projects that align with my values and skills.
Work history
    Customer Service ExecutiveGlorify
    London, United KingdomFull Time
  • Modelling
  • Make-up
  • 60s Makeup
  • Bridal Makeup
  • Character Makeup
  • Creative Makeup
  • FX Makeup
  • Prosthetic Makeup
  • Vintage Makeup
  • Wedding Makeup
    BAUniversity of Sussex
    Brighton, United Kingdom
    International Development