George Achillias

George Achillias

Chief Digital OfficerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


George Achillias

George Achillias

Chief Digital OfficerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
George Achillias has more than 15 years experience in harnessing technology and design as elements of a business strategy within an innovation ecosystem tailored to the unique needs of different organizations or industry. He has defined and delivered the global strategy and the innovation roadmap for FTSE250 companies and led digital transformation projects around the world. George Achillias is a design-led and human factors digital business strategist, who is bold in the concepts and conservative in the details. He specializes in applying design-led and human-centric strategies into the value chain of an organization, while enhancing the current business operations. A key feature of his career is his ability to deliver growth and redesign of an organisation's offering and his ability to shift companies from product to service-driven ones. He is adaptable and versatile, and he has worked and thrived in 3 different continents working environments. He encourages and embraces human-centred innovation to solve complex problems and generate new opportunity spaces. He specialises in creating digital ecosystems and Phygital marketplaces. He is trained in an agile delivery of digital transformation strategies based on the customer journey analysis. His skills include heat maps creation and data outcome understanding, complex problem definition, hypothesis creation and digital business modelling creation, and the problem solving for an organization by combining data analysis and design-led approaches. He has the skills and the capacity to create and implement in-depth 360° experience roadmaps. George Achillias acts also as an advisor to a number of Fintech and IoT start-ups in the London and Athens start-up-ecosystems.
  • Strategy
  • Thinking
  • Analysis
  • Business