Gerrome Miller

Gerrome Miller

Actor, Casting director and Director of LOTLondon, United Kingdom
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Maria Remy
Henry Williams
Jessica Spence
Gerrome Miller

Gerrome Miller

Actor, Casting director and Director of LOTLondon, United Kingdom
  • Percelle Ascott Monolgue Masterclass
    Percelle Ascott Monolgue Masterclass6th of July we’re back with the @percelleascott Acting Masterclass - MONOLOGUE edition! � Join us for a morning of � breakers and improv exercises � and an afternoon where you get to capture a monologue of your choice on camera �- coached by @percelleascott ��❤️ �: 6th July ⏰: 9am - 4pm � Liverpool Street �: DM us ‘PERCELLE’ for the �