Giada Maestra

Giada Maestra

Illustrator & Visual Artist - Alumni Relations Coordinator (Communication)London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Aiko Jongprasert
Adya Sethi
Josie Ryder
Giada Maestra

Giada Maestra

Illustrator & Visual Artist - Alumni Relations Coordinator (Communication)London, United Kingdom
About me
Hi there! I'm an illustrator and visual artist based in London, specialising in commercial and editorial illustration, with a passion for storytelling. I work both digitally on an iPad Pro and by hand. See more work on my website below and Instagram @giadamaestra
  • How I met my best friend
    How I met my best friendBlack and white strip comic made for a private commissioner, watercolour and pencil on digital, A4 format. The brief: the commissioner wanted me to represent a short story she wrote that is about how she met her best friend when they were kids at school.
  • This is not a love song
    This is not a love songIllustrated music cassette for This Is Not a Love Song Exhibited at Salone del Libro Torino in 2022.
  • Feeling like a Child, overall winner of the not just a shop X Tate Christmas cards competition, 2021
    Feeling like a Child, overall winner of the not just a shop X Tate Christmas cards competition, 2021Overall winner of the not just a shop X Tate Christmas card competition, 2021. The cards have been sold both online and in-store at Tate and not just a shop.
  • Careers Support, University of the Arts London (UAL)
    Careers Support, University of the Arts London (UAL)Illustrations for UAL Careers Support: Make money doing what you love and CV 1-1.
  • Periods
    PeriodsPeriods is a series of drawings about women dealing with their menstruation. Featured on Creative Boom, CuratedbyGIRLS and SORELLE FESTIVAL in 2021. seXYperiod exhibition at the Student Hotel Florence, Italy, from 26.03.2022 until 10.04.2022.
  • softandwet
    softandwetIllustrations for the Italian luxury lingerie brand softandwet Illustrations and icons were used across multiple channels like the brand website, blog, social media and newsletter.
Projects credited in
  • The naked mile
    The naked mileAn article on nudes and self love by Courtney Mills illustrated by Giada Maestra. Full article:
Work history
    Wishu Media logo
    Wishu Media logo
    Creative Talent, IllustratorWishu Media
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Illustrator and visual artistSelf Employed
    London, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • Fashion
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    MA IllustrationUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    Online Course Drawing Skills with Ilga LeimanisUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom
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    TATE logo
    TATE logo
    Overall winner of the not just a shop X Tate competition, 2021TATE
    Overall winner of the not just a shop X Tate Christmas cards competition, 2021. My greeting cards were sold both online and in-store at Tate and not just a shop.