Harry Stonhill

Harry Stonhill

Photographer/ RetoucherLondon, United Kingdom
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Niamh McCluskey
Laila Amr
Pip Jamieson
Harry Stonhill

Harry Stonhill

Photographer/ RetoucherLondon, United Kingdom
  • Bulgari, London.
    Bulgari, London.Editorial for Cent mag.
  • Chanel, London
    Chanel, LondonEditorial shot for Cent mag.
  • Hugo Boss, London.
    Hugo Boss, London.Dug out from the old archives.
  • Cartier, London
    Cartier, LondonShot in the studio using mirrors.
  • Tequila day, London
    Tequila day, LondonShot for national tequila day.
  • Canary Wharf, Sustainability campaign
    Canary Wharf, Sustainability campaignAssisted and retouched on this series of images about Canary Wharfs sustainable sources with the resident and workers perspectives. Photographer : Lee Mawdsley
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Projects credited in
    TO THE ONES I'VE DATEDWe all have those objects. The ones we cherish. The ones we touch for comfort. The ones that knock the air out of us at just a glimpse. They catapult us into the past, these things we know we should throw away, but don’t. From a handwritten break-up letter, to a discarded pack of Marlboro Lights, each inanimate object hits a nerve and begs the question: is there anything worth keeping, once love is lost? This is the question photographer Cecilia Di Paolo explores in her upcoming Solo Show: “To t
  • Solo Show    |    TO THE ONES I'VE DATED
    Solo Show | TO THE ONES I'VE DATEDWe all have those objects. The ones we cherish. The ones we touch for comfort. The ones that knock the air out of us at just a glimpse. They catapult us into the past, these things we know we should throw away, but don’t. From a handwritten break-up letter, to a discarded pack of Marlboro Lights, each inanimate object hits a nerve and begs the question: is there anything worth keeping, once love is lost? This is the question photographer Cecilia Di Paolo explores in her upcoming Solo Show: “To t
Work history
    urban outfitters logo
    urban outfitters logo
    E-commerce Photographerurban outfitters
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Assistant/ RetoucherLee Mawdsley
    London, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Photography
  • Commercial Photography
  • Digital Advertising
  • Advertising
  • Still Life Photography
  • Product Photography
  • Studio Photography
  • Lighting
  • Retouching
  • Digital
    Arts University Bournemouth logo
    Arts University Bournemouth logo
    BA Commercial PhotographyArts University Bournemouth
     - Bournemouth, United Kingdom