Hatti Rex

Hatti Rex

Head of SocialLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Leigh Le Roux
Mark Linsi
Marina Blaho
Hatti Rex

Hatti Rex

Head of SocialLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Projects credited in
  • Jehnny in Black & White - by Karl Lagerfeld
    Jehnny in Black & White - by Karl LagerfeldJehnny Beth is the second major interview in the A/W2020 issue of THE FALL - A Story of Colour. On Sale now. Shot by her producing partner Johnny Hostile with interview by Hatti Rex. Visit THEFALLmag.com for more details!
  • The Polyester Newsletter
    The Polyester NewsletterPolyester's new monthly subscription newsletter. Editor-in-Chief: Ione Gamble Junior editor and newsletter editor: Jemima Skala Social media editor: Hatti Rex
  • Twitter