Heather Ebanks

Heather Ebanks

Designer/BloggerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Moses Wainaina
Brendan McKnight
Heather Ebanks

Heather Ebanks

Designer/BloggerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Digital Fluidity has been a journey of creativity and exploration. A lifestyle and design blog by Heather Ebanks that features obtainable everyday life experiences. I’m a Londoner blogger, renowned for my honesty and integrity. Skilled graphic designer, photographer (heatherebanks.com) and lifestyle and design blogger whose core passion is writing about lifestyle, design, fashion, beauty and products styling my experiences centred around travel and photography. I’m a great believer and advocate of supporting communities, finding opportunities, working with new brands/businesses, on campaigns and projects. After a few months into blogging, I was nominated for Blogosphere Magazine’s 2017 awards for best Blogosphere Community category. One of the directions I am striving to focus on is to include more Influential Inclusivity within the industries. More visibility of cultural diversity within my photography, blog posts and throughout social media. After a few years, I have been fortunate to work in many ways together with other brands. Examples of this. Photographing designer events: French illustrator Nicholle Kobi pop up event and newly graduated textile designer Isabella Fletcher – Beneath the surface collection. Participating in the Blogosphere Magazine IGTV interview. Press Awards, mentions, and coverage 2018 – Nominated for Best Colour Inspiration Blog - Amara Interior Blog Awards 2017 – Nominated for Blogosphere Magazine Community Awards 2017 – Photography – Beneath the Surface – Fashion Designer Isabel Fletcher | Collection Presentation Blog Post: Fashion Upholstery 2017 – Mention/Article – Community Champions – John’s Road to Volunteering
  • Do you have a creative story to tell?
    Do you have a creative story to tell?Looking for creative industry business owners in London to interview/photograph/collaborate.
  • Portfolio Website
    Portfolio WebsiteNewly created portfolio website. Currently, focusing on photography.
  • Lifestyle & Design Blog | Digital Fluidity
    Lifestyle & Design Blog | Digital FluidityDigital Fluidity has been a journey of creativity and exploration. A lifestyle and design blog by Heather Ebanks that features obtainable everyday life experiences. One of the directions I am striving to focus on is to include more influential inclusivity within the industries. More visibility of cultural diversity within my photography, blog posts and throughout social media.
  • Heather Ebanks | Portfolio
    Heather Ebanks | PortfolioDesign Portfolio
  • Lifestyle & Design Blog Website
    Lifestyle & Design Blog WebsiteCreating the content on my blog, have years of experience and can work on similar content. Skills - Wordpress - Photography - Research
  • Influencer/Portrait Photography
    Influencer/Portrait PhotographyPortfolio of my photography - available for work/collaborations
Work history
    Graphic Designer/BloggerDigital Fluidity
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Content Creator/Photographer - Lifestyle & Design Blog http://www.digitalfluidity.com/ Freelance Graphic Designer - Print, typography, publishing and brand design
  • Blog Content
  • Graphic Design
  • Creative Admin
  • Blog Creation
  • Content Management
  • Photography
  • Lifestyle
  • Content Creatiion
  • Project Planning
  • Administraion
    University for the Creative Arts logo
    University for the Creative Arts logo
    (BA hons) Graphic DesignUniversity for the Creative Arts
     - United Kingdom
    Main Disciplines: Typography, Corporate ID, New Media, Promotion, Packaging and Spatial Design. Others: Visual Arts. Project Management/Starting a Small Business/Working as a Freelance, Marketing, Career Planning and Dissertation.
    University for the Creative Arts logo
    University for the Creative Arts logo
    BA Graphic CommunicationUniversity for the Creative Arts
     - United Kingdom
    BA Hons, Graphic Design/Communication