Hermann Paar

Hermann Paar

Founder of IndieMagsCologne, Germany
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Brendan McKnight
Danielle Barry
Hermann Paar

Hermann Paar

Founder of IndieMagsCologne, Germany
About me
I'm the founder of IndieMags that wants to make all of these wonderful, often laboriously crafted independent magazines available to a wider audience. What could be better than using a magazine to briefly stop time, be tangible, and create value in a way that digital cannot?
  • IndieMags
    IndieMagsIndieMags wants to make all of these wonderful, often laboriously crafted independent magazines available to a wider audience. What could be better than using a magazine to briefly stop time, be tangible, and create value in a way that digital cannot?
  • Photography
    PhotographyThis is more of a hobby and I have very little time to take pictures. But I am always very happy about the moments that means a lot to me.
    TUXAMOONI'm the founder of TUXAMOON, an independent German online magazine which provides a wealth of stories and reviews on cultural topics as music, art, literature, society and politics. TUXAMOON was nominated for the English BRIC Award in the category "The Global Impact Award" by UnLtdWorld in 2009. TUXAMOON is also listed by the Council of Europe in the category Democracy as a publication on art and cultural policy in Europe. http://archiv-tuxamoon.de/
Work history
    IndieMagsHub logo
    IndieMagsHub logo
    Founder, OwnerIndieMagsHub
    GermanyFull Time
    IndieMags wants to make all of these wonderful, often laboriously crafted independent magazines available to a wider audience. What could be better than using a magazine to briefly stop time, be tangible, and create value in a way that digital cannot?
    TUXAMOON logo
    TUXAMOON logo
    Founder, OwnerTUXAMOON
    GermanyPart Time
    TUXAMOON is an independent German online magazine which provides a wealth of stories and reviews on cultural topics such as music, literature, society and politics. (www.tuxamoon.de)
  • Project Management