Hollie Forson

Hollie Forson

Freelance PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Sarah Hua
Hollie Forson

Hollie Forson

Freelance PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hollie Forson is a British- Nigerian photographer based in Leeds and London. Born in South-West London, Hollie was immersed into a wealth of vibrancy, culture and creativity that inspires her contemporary work today. She utilises both film and digital photography as means to capture intimate and thought-provoking moments, taking photographs that often hold stories that might otherwise be untold. Throughout her portfolio, Hollie portrays the compelling nature of heritage, culture and the arts as she endeavours to accentuate uniqueness and individuality through the lens. For Hollie, the boundaries of photography as an art form are endless and this is exhibited through her daring yet attentive approach to her work.
  • Graft for Notion Magazine
    Graft for Notion Magazine
Work history
    University of Leeds logo
    University of Leeds logo
    Head of PhotographyUniversity of Leeds
    Leeds, United KingdomFreelance
  • Creative Direction
  • Creative Leadership
  • Photography Exhibitions
  • Photography
  • Photographic Direction
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Photoshop
    University of Leeds logo
    University of Leeds logo
    Politics BAUniversity of Leeds
    Leeds, United Kingdom