Imogen Haisman

Imogen Haisman

Talent Agent1 Ebor St, London E1 6AW, UK
+ Info


Tirna Sweeney
Pip Jamieson
Emma Clarke
Imogen Haisman

Imogen Haisman

Talent Agent1 Ebor St, London E1 6AW, UK
Projects credited in
  • Portfolio Guide from Talent Atelier...
    Portfolio Guide from Talent Atelier...Looking to sort your portfolio out? We know its always overwhelming... ❓ What should I show? ❓How long should it be? ❓Should I have something physical or just use an iPad? From the person who brought a full set of perspex lungs she made at university to a meeting to the longest and most awkward portfolio review with 10 videos... We've seen (nearly) everything and this podcast should hopefully help get you on the right track.
  • The Atelier
    The AtelierWelcome to The Atelier where we workshop your work life, brought to you by Talent Atelier, the Executive Search business where we essentially act as a dating agency between businesses and people. Our day job is placing the best C-Suite people into the creative industries, but by night (and often in the afternoon) we record this podcast and focus each episode on the questions we’re asked most frequently. From how to be a leader to networking your way around the room, Rachel and Jo are here alon