Indi Davies

Indi Davies

Editorial DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Abagail Johnson
Ibrahim Kamara
Indi Davies

Indi Davies

Editorial DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Creativity Works: Visual Storytelling with Magnum Photos
    Creativity Works: Visual Storytelling with Magnum PhotosThis work was produced during a 6-week intensive photography course with Create Jobs and Magnum Photos. Photographs were produced in fulfilment of a brief set by It's Nice That. The brief asked course participants to take photographs which portrayed what London was to them. Under the guidance of Magnum associate Sohrab Hura, a body of work was developed for display in an exhibition and to be printed in a zine. The concept for this project was the phrase 'we move'. According to the Urban Dictio
  • WeTransfer X Lecture In Progress
    WeTransfer X Lecture In ProgressExtroverts have a better shot at success.
  • Lecture In Progress interview
    Lecture In Progress interviewHere is my first-ever interview with Lecture in Progress in Progress (#LectureInProgress) chatting about amplifying the voices of #disabled #talent. Enjoy. Check it out here: #ThisAbility #creativity #disability #equity #BeBoldBeWildBeFearless #amplify IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Headshot profile photo of Sulaiman with a blue tint on the whole photo with a blue background.
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