Jade Tomlinson

Jade Tomlinson

PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Rialda Dizdarevic
Louise Billyard
Astrid MacDougall
Jade Tomlinson

Jade Tomlinson

PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Our final year film project.
    Our final year film project.'Sunny Hill Diaries: Steve McCain' follows the story of Irene, an extremely lonely and socially awkward woman. Having problems with socializing, she befriended her pet fish, Effie, whom she speaks to on a regular basis. She gets caught up in a habit of watching people she rents her flat to through hidden cameras - that’s her way of learning how to behave in a society. One day, however, Irene witnesses a crime that will challenge her morality.