Jak Alcock

Jak Alcock

MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Jak Alcock

Jak Alcock

MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
History & Economics BA graduate with a 2:1 honours degree from Manchester University. Highly organised and motivated, I am looking to secure a position in the sports marketing industry to utilise my current analytical skills and further develop my leadership skills, so far built on sporting and employment roles. My eventual career goal is to establish myself in a senior role for a sports based firm where I can use my well founded analytical, leadership and personal skills.
Work history
    Claims AdministratorEdge Broking
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    I work closely with clients and underwriters to ensure that sizeable claims are paid on time. This process involves analysing data and communicating with overseas clients in a timely manner. Subsequently, I’ve learnt a number of transferable skills such as advanced numerical skills and working in a high pressured, fast paced environment.
    Marketing/Lettings ExecutiveRubicon Estates
     - London, United KingdomFull Time
    Whilst securing a number of deals, I gained a greater foothold in marketing decisions, such as leading their transition from physical to digital marketing.
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    DegreeUniversity of Manchester
     - Manchester, United Kingdom
    2:1 classification (65%), Dissertation (2:1) - African American Sporting Success and the Advancement of Opportunity from 1936-1950. Relevant modules- Marketing, Development Economics, Enterprise, Nuclear Age, Management of Knowledge and Innovation, LBJ. I was able to work my love for sport into my final thesis which analysed the success of African American sportsmen in furthering racial integration and development. My economics final report focused on the rise of Netflix and how Sky, as an incumbent, have had to innovate their services to remain in the UK market.