James Beyerman

James Beyerman

Technical DealerBillericay, United Kingdom
+ Info


Matt Willey
Nicola Gastaldi
Shimmy Ahmed
James Beyerman

James Beyerman

Technical DealerBillericay, United Kingdom
About me
I bought my first DSLR camera back in 2007, ever since then at every opportunity I have had it with me ready to capture moments in life. I studied Art and Design at South East Essex College where graphic design was a big part of what I studied there. Throughout the time I was studying I used programmes such as QuarkXpress, Adobe Indesign and mainly Adobe Photoshop. I’m currently using Photoshop CS6. I'm now currently getting into Video photography to add another string to my bow. I enjoy pushing myself with new challenges and never afraid of trying something new. I specialise in automotive photography but i'm interested in almost anything. I also went travelling in early 2014 across Sweden, Canada and America specifically New York, building a portfolio as I went along capturing the essence of each country and their cities.
  • Travel Portfolio
    Travel PortfolioExamples of work when i was traveling around Sweden, Canada and America more specifically New York. Please note there are digital watermarks on the photos.
Work history
    Technical Dealer
    Absolutely nothing to do with anything creative but i went for the easy option of making money to building up my photography equipment. Now im fed up and want to move to what i feel i was destined for which was to be a photographer / videographer. I have learned a lot about dealing with stress and very tight deadlines whilst keeping cool working within stocks and shares so i can apply that when i work for any employer. Below is a run down of what i currently do. Working within the Book and Pricing department, a technical dealing senior will execute workloads from a management company / Legal entities’ specific checklist. Within the checklist will be a series of tasks including SLA’s, regulatory and financial impact deadlines to meet. Duties include pricing collective funds, entering book decisions via the manager’s box to input any additional decisions we may receive along with freezing the book for each management company. Most of the time I will be Multi-tasking between different Management companies making the right decisions on which client specific requirements have priority over others. We may also receive ad-hoc events such as In-specie trades and Dilution Levy’s to process on top of day to day checklist tasks. When still working on my management specific checklists, I will QC decision advice reports for colleagues and then proceed to authorise decisions made and notify the relevant management company.
    Photography started as a hobby which grew into me starting to photograph as a freelancer covering events, personal photograph, portraits and weddings. For many years I did automotive photography as this was the scene I was bought up in. In more recent times I have moved more towards family portraits and weddings, its gives another aspect to photography that I have found I really enjoy. My most recent work was covering an art show in Bethnal Green, London. The photos were used for the businesses that were present at the show in newsletters, website and social media sites. A portfolio is available via my website which covers all aspects of my work. Please visit: www.beyerphotography.net
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  • Film
  • Commercial Photography
  • Retouching
  • Music Videos
  • TV Film Commercial
  • Camera Operation
  • Design
  • Digital Video
  • Photoshop
  • Lightroom
    BTEC National Diploma Level 3
    Studied at South East Essex College (Southend on Sea) where I was introduced to subjects such as Interior design, photography, digital editing (photos and video), fashion design, print, fine art and graphic design. I left with the following BTEC National Diploma Level 3 AVCE (Double Award) Art and Design A level in Art and Design Tutorial, enrichment and I.T key skills