jasi theva

jasi theva

Marketing DirectorWelling, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Leanor Hanny
Benjamin Youd
jasi theva

jasi theva

Marketing DirectorWelling, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Fracking Nanas - Friends of the Earth
    Fracking Nanas - Friends of the EarthThe Fracking Nanas - a short documentary we shot for Friends of the Earth about the amazing Granny activists successfully fighting against fracking in Lancashire. Fracking is a process of drilling down into the earth and pumping it full of a high-pressure water mixture to extract natural gas. And you guessed right, fracking is not great for the environment. Sony FS7 & Vintage Canon FD lenses Directed by Lexi Powner DOP Natalja Safronova