Jenny Hiley

Jenny Hiley

Junior DesignerUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Matt Willey
Brendan McKnight
Jenny Hiley

Jenny Hiley

Junior DesignerUnited Kingdom
About me
Hi, I’m Jenny Hiley (pronounced hi-lee). I’m passionate about making a positive impact on society through design. As a former nurse and healthcare leader, I've always put people at the heart of my work. I have a particular interest in branding, typography and art direction. I love the fluidity and iteration of design; how concepts grounded in research can evolve into a distinct and unified identity system that resonates with people and evokes an emotional response. I’ve studied as a mature student because I want to change industries. I bring the benefits of being a meticulously trained, working professional who is proven to handle famously high-stress environments. I am keen to bring my considered, optimistic and industrious approach to a team that strives to create a better world.
  • Type Design - 36 days of type
    Type Design - 36 days of typeBRIEF Complete this year’s @36daysoftype challenge on Instagram. I wanted to challenge myself to develop a varied series over the month using a range of different stimuli and materials. SOLUTION Each letter of the alphabet was designed, art directed and created. There is a story behind every letter. A couple of my favourites are the mossy M and jelly W - I just love those textures! If you’d like to know more have a look at my Instagram @jenny.hiley.
  • Precious Earth
    Precious EarthBRIEF The National Museum of Geology, Norway wanted a new identity, which moved away from the formal, traditional approach used by other natural history museums. The museum is aimed at people interested in learning about how they can play their part in preserving the environment for future generations. SOLUTION The solution centred around the Norwegian philosophy of ‘Friluftsliv’ - the love and connection with the natural environment - which many people practice. This was distilled into the pro
  • Somersault Tea
    Somersault TeaBRIEF Design a brand identity and the packaging for an independent tea brand aimed at acrobats wanting a healthy drink before training. SOLUTION Acrobats form dynamic shapes when they use aerial silks. The design uses a bold typographic logo to communicate movement and energy. (Concept work for a student project)
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Work history
    Birmingham, United KingdomFreelance
    Writing and editing articles for the platform showcasing, empowering and celebrating female and under-represented creatives currently working in the design industry.
    ParticipantWerkhouse Weekend Participant
     - Bristol, United KingdomPart Time
    Werkhouse is a weekend of studio-led design training. We collaborated in groups to respond to a live client brief, given to us by the not for profit Fare Share.
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  • Graphic Design
  • Project Management
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Research
    Type Design for Non-Type DesignersType@Cooper
     - New York, United States
    During this two-day course in type design with Matteo Bologna (Mucca Design) and Rainer Scheichelbauer (Glyphs) I learnt the basics of designing and generating a variable font and how to use the font-design software Glyphs.
    Shillington logo
    Shillington logo
    Graphic DesignShillington
     - London, United Kingdom
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    Brand Design Concept (Commended)World Brand Design Society
    Commended Award for Precious Earth (Student Project)
    Graphic Design for Publication Concept (Commended)World Brand Design Society
    Commended Award for Atonement book cover design (Student Project).
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