jess rulski

jess rulski

actor/model/photographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Caprice Mclean
Kasey Scrivener
Denel Rosa-Roach
jess rulski

jess rulski

actor/model/photographerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am an aspiring actor/model/ content creator. I am a very open minded and creative person which is something I find very unique about me as I am always able to find the absolute best of a situation and see everything as a learning opportunity. I thrive in helping others and being a positive to someone’s day as not only does it lift someone else’s mood it always lifts my mood and makes me feel happy. I absolutely love making new friends because it really makes me appreciate people with completely different passions and skills also I learn so much from new people I meet. I consistently challenge myself in different aspects of my life because it builds me in so many ways and it has helped me to become very headstrong so if I am Offered an opportunity, I do not let fear get the best of me and I accept the challenge to push me further on my journey of growth. I am also a very giving person and I like to teach others things I have learnt and I always find myself in deep conversations with all sorts of people as I love to hear people’s different perspectives of life.
  • 90s style photo shoot
    90s style photo shootThis photoshoot was simply decided on the spot and we went for a 90s theme as our outfits somewhat seemed like a good 90s fit alongside a nice background
  • Music video
    Music videoI have acted in a short storyline music video with an artist
Projects credited in
  • Music video
    Music videoI have acted in a short storyline music video with an artist
Work history
    acting in pantomimelanfranc theatre
     - Canterbury, United KingdomFreelance
    this was the cinderella pantomime i played the lead role of “cinderella”
  • Creative Writing
  • Writing
  • Acting
  • Film Acting
  • Acting Performing
  • Modelling
  • Running
  • Fashion
  • Make-up
  • Movie Maker
    Performing ArtsCanterbury College
    Canterbury, United Kingdom