Jessica Rees

Jessica Rees

Brighton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Mark Heywood
Andrew Ball-Shaw
Jessica Rees

Jessica Rees

Brighton, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Rhubarb Ghetto - play which will debut at The VAULT Festival in 2020.
    Rhubarb Ghetto - play which will debut at The VAULT Festival in 2020.Rhubarb Ghetto is a raw, explosive story set in a graffiti-strewn underpass in London featuring the characters of Billy and Scarlet. Billy is a gang leader tying up loose ends before disappearing to escape the clutches of a mysterious character named Pavel. Scarlet is the mother of their 15-year-old child Alfie. Rhubarb Ghetto is an intimate portrayal of a relationship two decades in the making. It looks at choices and lost opportunities. It poses uncertain futures for the characters against t