Joel Cyriax

Joel Cyriax

Industrial DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
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Ellis Childs
Robert James
Xabier Abel Martinez
Joel Cyriax

Joel Cyriax

Industrial DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi. Im Joel Cyriax, a 1st Class Degree Product Design and Technology graduate from Loughborough University, with a Diploma in Professional Studies. Having the opportunity to explore such an intriguing path of creativity and technicality makes me passionate about pursuing a future in Design. My main design interests are additive manufacturing and generative design, and how they can be used in conjunction and implemented into the design and engineering industries.
  • Quantifi
    QuantifiQuantifi was my main final-year University project; a multi-functional quantity measurement device for visually impaired individuals. This improved solution aims to address the challenge visually impaired and blind individuals face in domestic kitchens and food preparation environments. The proposed design is the iterative outcome research, ideation, and the findings from user testing of the electronic and physical prototypes, paired with the physical design changes to make the product suitable
  • Apollo
    ApolloApollo was my A-Level design project; a fully functioning medical delivery drone aimed at delivering supplies to isolated areas in need. Research highlighted UAVs were being used in isolated areas for reconissance, but weren't being used for delivery of emergency supplies, mainly due to the large wingspan and size of said drones. My design, therefore, was entirely disassemblable, allowing for simple transportation and quick set up in the locations required.
  • Artwork
    ArtworkWhile finishing my A-Levels at school, I decided I wanted to produce a piece of art to beautifully display the collection of LEGO Minifigures from my childhood, utilising the design skills I had learned from Design A-Level. The final product, containing 140 figures arranged precisely, gave the impression the figures were floating and was well recieved online and by friends and family. This led to the production of smaller similar artwork pieces catered to the buyer, including a Star Wars themed
  • Emulate
    EmulateAs part of the Autodesk Digital Catalyst programme, I worked at Flight Design where I worked on producing bespoke staircase spindles for a client. I learnt and used photogrammetry software (Autodesk ReCap Photo) to digitalise a set of existing staircase spindles that the client liked, and then used Fusion 360 to further manipulate and refine the digital models. I worked alongside FDM expert Steve Cox to 3D-print the designed components as patterns, and then collaborated with the manufacturer to
  • Securoo
    SecurooSecuroo was a conceptual piece produced in my final year of university to aid Deliveroo cyclists in various ways, including with their safety, health and work. The concept itself, a stabilisation unit for a Deliveroo rucksack, was researched, ideated, designed and visualised within 7 days as part of the coursework. The design was mechanically feasible, having been based off complex functioning systems, and incorporated the iconic Deliveroo branding.
  • Off-Piste
    Off-PisteOff Piste is a conceptual personal project, designed during my 2nd year of University to test the generative design capabilities of Autodesk Fusion 360. Each ski pole is estimated to weigh less than 115 grams, whilst maintaining structural integrity, with the design of the ski pole and ski basket having been optimised. The pole, manufactured out of an aluminium alloy, and manufactured using 5-axis milling, would bring style and skill to the slopes.
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Work history
    Design InternSand & Birch Italia
     - Rome, ItalyInternship
    For my University placement year, I worked at Sand & Birch Design Studio in Rome, Italy, working on numerous projects and within various design fields. Working on various websites, landscape renderings, and animations greatly improved my skillset and helped me to improve as a designer, ready for my final year of University. Having the opportunity to live and work abroad, and integrate into new cultures and life was an incredible experience and something I aim to do again in my future career.
     - United KingdomPart Time
    I was part of the Digital Catalyst Programme, run by Autodesk, in which students from top design and engineering universities helped companies adoption of digital technologies and support the development of innovative products. For my Digital Catalyst placement, I worked at Flight Design, an architectural agency in London. After a successful placement at Flight Design, I represented Autodesk at Loughborough University and gave presentations about my work with Autodesk at workshops and events all over the UK. My Autodesk software expertise lies in Fusion 360, Generative Design, and Autodesk ReCap Photo.
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  • CAD Design
  • Visual Communication
  • Project Management
  • Adaptability
  • Detail Orientated
  • 3D Visualisation
  • Adobe CS
  • Microsoft Office
  • Organisation
  • 3D Printing
    BSc Product Design & Technology (1st Class Honours)Loughborough University
     - Loughborough, United Kingdom
    I studied Product Design and Technology (Bsc) at Loughborough Univeristy from 2018 to 2022, graduating in 2022 with a 1st Class Degree and a Diploma in Professional Studies. Throughout my time in academia at Loughborough, I grew significantly as a designer and developed a variety of physical and digital skills, in addition to learning an array of design-related software and practices. In my portfolios, available on my Behance account, a variety of my University projects can be seen, which show my skills, experience, knowledge, and interests.
    Design Award FinalistTriumph Motorcycles
    After submitting my A-Level Design & Technology coursework, a medical delivery drone, into the Triumph Design Awards, I was named among one of the 20 other finalists from around the UK. I traveled to the Triumph Motorcycles factory and showcase my work to industry professionals and Triumph Engineers and Designers.