John V. Roselli

John V. Roselli

AuthorNew York, United States
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Erin Aniker
Poppy Jamieson
Sophie Howe
John V. Roselli

John V. Roselli

AuthorNew York, United States
  • Mr. Roses Children's Success Series
    Mr. Roses Children's Success SeriesIn Mr. Roses first Children’s Book Series “Children’s Success Series Vol I.”, Mr. Roses’ main focus is teaching how anyone can achieve success, happiness, purpose and meaning in life. The series teaches lessons on success through fun vibrant storylines. It also has a workshop at the end of each book that consists of reading comprehension questions, attention to detail questions, lessons on success and a word search game. The first series consists of five books (SKIPP, PIP, Mikey, Sadie, Nato).
  • Mr. Roses Author Visits
    Mr. Roses Author VisitsMr. Roses has been touring around to schools in NY and NJ reading these stories on 20"x30" printouts of his books. His long-term goals are to influence the mindset of the future generation to be more positive and driven. His plan is to do this by acting as a role model and by producing different tools/products that help set a given mindset. The "Role Model" that I have created is Mr. Roses who is a gentleman. He wears a suit, fedora and rose boutonniere. He is also the author of the children’s