Josh Rivers

Josh Rivers

Creative Alchemist and Communications ConsultantUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Simone Baird
Sarah Ardell
Ren Balogun
Josh Rivers

Josh Rivers

Creative Alchemist and Communications ConsultantUnited Kingdom
About me
Josh Rivers is the Chief Creative Alchemist of Black Fruit Media, a community interest company he founded to support, sustain and promote the visibility of Black LGBTQ people in the UK. He’s the creator and host of the award-winning podcast Busy Being Black and a social justice communications professional with over ten years of experience leading storytelling projects for civil society organisations in the UK and across the Commonwealth.
Work history
    Communications ConsultantGlitch
    United KingdomFreelance
    UK Black Pride logo
    UK Black Pride logo
    Head of Communications and Cultural PartnershipsUK Black Pride
     - London, United KingdomFreelance